Dan Perry

Hi, I’m Dan.

I provide entrepreneurs with new perspectives and practical tools to help them become more effective so they can build wealth and have fun along the way.

As a father with two kids, multiple businesses, and a wide variety of interests, I have been faced with a choice:

Either let the perils of the modern world run me over like most people in my situation, or learn to be highly effective so I can balance my responsibilities and still have fun.

I choose the latter.

As a result, my online business has grown every year since starting it despite only working on average about eight hours per week. I also spend lots of time with my kids, take vacations, snowboard, and even race mountain bikes.

While most dads in my situation barely have enough time to hit the gym a few times per week, I have a casual pace to my day and I rarely feel spread to thin.

I’m not saying this to brag, and I’m not going to pretend like it’s been easy to get to this point. I also don’t think I’m smarter than most people, and I haven’t been the benefactor of lots of luck.

My lifestyle is a result of methodical process (The WELTH Method) that I live by that allows me to accomplish my goals while maintaining balance in my life.

This is a process that anyone can benefit from, if they’re willing to simply sit down and use it.

Primitive minds in a modern world

You see, the modern world is not setup to help you thrive naturally. There are simply too many distractions and opportunities. There are too many things to do, places to go, projects to choose from, and business opportunities.

In order to be effective in the modern world, it requires a consistent conscious effort to manage the natural tendencies that are engrained in your DNA. These natural tendencies are things like fearing uncertainty, getting easily distracted by new information, seeking instant gratification, and conserving energy.

These were essential to the survival of the human species as far back as 10,000 years ago, but now mostly just lead to ineffective behavior.

That’s why 42% of Americans are obese, and it’s also why most people, regardless of their level of success in life or their amazing circumstances, are overwhelmed, anxious, and unhappy.

We are all living with primitive minds in a modern world. Our brains are at a mismatch with our current environment.

It’s no wonder it’s so hard to find balance.

Who may want to read my stuff

My goal with each piece of content I write is to give you a more helpful perspective, or a practical tool you can use to become more effective.

Personally, I’m tired of content that makes me feel like I need to do more, or that adds more shit to my to-do list.

So my goal is to not only help you become more effective, but do that in a way that releases you from more things to do. Often, I’ll be exploring why NOT to take some of the best advise out there.

So, if you’re tired of doing more, being overwhelmed, and never seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, you may want to stick around.